Friday, December 18, 2009
bon voyage!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
how to pack like a french woman

Monday, December 14, 2009
katy's guide to paris

Man Ray - THIS is a fabulous place. It is on rue Marboeuf, right off the Champs Elysees. Owned by John Malkovich and Johnny Depp. Really fun, and lots of models/famous people go there. I think that they have food early, but I've never been there for that. Drinks and dancing later.
Poona Lounge - Just down the street (further off the Champs) from Man Ray, this is a very laid back place that is very swanky at the same time. Drinks - I don't think that they have anywhere to dance.
Chez Georges - Completely different from the ones above. This is in the Latin Quarter between Saint Germain and the Seine and is underground in some caves that have been there for centuries. Super small, hole-in-the-wall type place, but ultra French. Has the drippy candles on tables in one cave, jazz and dancing with the locals in the adjoining cave. I can't remember the street name, and I'm at work, but you may be able to look it up? If you can't find it, Caveau de la Huchette is a very similar experience and is very popular (and I think actually may be pretty close to Chez Georges). It is on rue de la Huchette.
Alcazar - fabulous restaurant, and has a great bar upstairs. On Rue Mazarine. Right next door is WAGG, which is formerly known as Whisky A Go Go, where Jim Morrison had his last night out. Pretty fun place too.
All over the city there are fabulous bars that you can just sit out on the sidewalk - more low key but still very fun.
All of the museums are fairly well-known. My favorite is the Musee Rodin, on the Left Bank. No one ever goes there and it has amazing sculptures and grounds. One of my fave places in Paris. My next favorite is the Musee d'Orsay, which is on the left bank right across from the Louvre. And actually, one of my favorites that has been closed for years just opened again the other day - the L'Orangerie, located in the Tuileries very close to the Place de la Concorde. This is where all of Monet's Waterlilies are - whole rooms of them.
*Katy, thank you for the phenomenal tips. We will think of you while we are in Paris. If anyone else has suggestions on where to go or what to do we'd love to hear them!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
paris here we come!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
i {also} heart disposable cameras

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
i heart terrariums