{photos via the audrey hepburn complex}
Lately I have been getting a serious urge to paint my nails. Maybe a classic cherry red? The bad news is, in dental hygiene school you are not allowed to paint your nails at all.... If they catch you, points are docked from your clinic grade. Until school is out for the summer I will just have to live vicariously through these pretty, pretty pictures.
*For those of you that are permitted to wear nail polish... What is your favorite shade?
hm, i'm a big fan of pale colors on my fingers, and dark reds on my toes!
ReplyDeleteI was just about to say the same thing! I almost always go for sheer, shiny creams or pale pinks on my fingers and plums, wines, etc. on my toes.
ReplyDeletepaint your TOES. duh.
ReplyDeleteloreal "apple of my eye"
i love purples and pinky reds. i don't paint my fingers much because i'm a chronic nail chipper... i wish i wasn't though!
ReplyDeletei've been all over the place with the nail colors lately! i'll be sticking with toes for the summer.. or until i can settle on a color for a while! will the dental hygiene school police find out if you paint your toenails?!
ReplyDeleteI love fingernail polish - but I always chip it off too fast. Love bright pink or red toes though.
ReplyDeleteI think you always want to do something more when you're not allowed!
get a pedicure! that's legal, right? i definitely need to paint my fingers and toes before spring break... my favorites are essie mademoiselle for fingers and essie fiesta for toes :)
ReplyDeleteLovely blog :) I'm totally loving grey/black for my fingers at the moment...although as soon as it starts to heat up, I'm sure I'll be going bright neon :)
ReplyDeleteI'm all about the clear. Except toes must be a sultry red :)
ReplyDeleteSalsa lessons sound so fun! I would love to hear your updates.
That sucks that you don't get to paint your nails. I don't paint my nails too often because I play volleyball and they get chipped all of the time. But when I do wear nail polish, lately I've been drawn to grays and nude colors. (;
ReplyDeleteI agree with above, go crazy on your toes!
ReplyDeleteMy fave right now is this grey color chinchilly by essie.
I love red nails! But lately I'm on a silver kick!
ReplyDeleteFrench is my favorite, on short clean nails. I'm sorry you can't have any in school. It was that way when I waited tables, and I've never wanted to paint my nails so bad :)
ReplyDeletebrie I love painting my nails too! That was the saddest thing. Goodbye Reds and black, I will miss you!
ReplyDeleteHi Iheartkiwi! So nice to meet you and what a great blog!
ReplyDeleteI'm cursed with huge hands, so I can't wear anything really daring on my fingers, since it reminds me of the wicked witch of the wet. But my toes are free game and that is where the real nail polish magic happens. And usually it's a deep red with gold shimmer or something drastic.
What about your tootsies? I'm way more addicted to pedis!
ReplyDeleteMmmm cherry red all the way! Although, as a teacher of 5 year olds, my hands are in paint, playdough, soap and goldfish crackers all day long, so manicures last about three days. Still fun to get though, especially when my little girlies comment "Oh Ms. Poole, we like your pretty nail polish!" :)